dinsdag 12 juni 2012

Dig the New Breed: Elza Jo

Rankin and his wife, Tuuli – in association with the global fashion showcase, On|Off and as part of London Fashion Week – hosted Dig the New Breed at the Annroy Gallery. The selected works of 52 emerging artists were chosen to represent the finest young photographic talent. Tuuli and Rankin wanted to provide a platform for the burgeoning fashion photographers, who proved to be increasingly creative in their ideas. Elza Jo is one of them! 
In Issue One of The Hunger and now, exclusively to Hunger TV, we are finding out a little more about each of the Digphotographers. Kicking off the series in style is Dutch photographer Elza Jo van Reenen, who has contributed to Elle, Vice, I Love Fake and Nylon MX. 

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